"title": "Affiliate Program",
"content": "<h3>CAMILLA AND MARC Affilliate Program</h3>
<p>The CAMILLA AND MARC affiliate program offers access to an Australian luxury fashion brand offering high-end design and construction with a simplicity in design. As a member, you can earn a commission when your readers and visitors make a purchase from CAMILLA AND MARC.</p>
<strong>Benefits of joining our affiliate program</strong>
<li>Free to join</li>
<li>Competitive commission</li>
<li>Access campaign imagery</li>
<li>Daily product feed</li>
<strong>What do you need to do as an affiliate?</strong>
<p>Promote CAMILLA AND MARC by:<br><br>Placing our banners, advertisements and links on your site and promoting our latest collections, limited edition pieces and exclusives to your visitors.</p>
<strong>Next steps</strong>
<p>Simply visit LinkShare and complete the short online application to sign up.</p>
<p><a href="mailto:affiliates@camillaandmarc.com" title="Apply to become an affiliate">APPLY TO BECOME AN AFFILIATE</a></p>
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"author": "",
"handle": "affiliates",
"id": "48260186147",
"published_at": "2020-01-30 15:56:39 +1100"